Maternity Benefits: The Maternity Benefit Act (1961) entitles women

The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 is a social welfare legislation that provides for maternity benefits to women employees in India. Here are some key provisions of the Act:

Eligibility: The Act applies to women employees who have worked for at least 80 days in the twelve months immediately preceding the expected date of delivery.

Maternity Leave: The Act provides for a minimum of 12 weeks of maternity leave for women employees. The leave can be taken up to six weeks before the expected date of delivery and up to six weeks after the delivery.

Maternity Benefit: The Act provides for maternity benefit, which is calculated based on the average daily wage of the employee. The benefit is equal to the wages for the period of maternity leave.

Medical Bonus: The Act provides for a medical bonus of Rs. 3,500 for women employees who do not have access to medical facilities provided by the employer.

Nursing Breaks: The Act provides for two breaks of 15 minutes each for women employees to nurse their child until the child is 15 months old.

Prohibition of Dismissal: The Act prohibits the dismissal of a woman employee during her maternity leave period.

Crèche Facility: The Act provides for crèche facilities for women employees with more than 50 employees. The crèche should be located within a prescribed distance from the workplace and should be equipped with adequate facilities.

Overall, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, aims to provide women employees with maternity benefits, including maternity leave and maternity benefit, and to create a conducive work environment for women employees.

The Act seeks to promote gender equality and social justice by providing women with adequate support during pregnancy and childbirth.


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