The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, provides for the right to maintenance for women in India


The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, provides for the right to maintenance for women in India who are married under Hindu law. Maintenance refers to financial support provided by the husband to the wife in case she is unable to support herself financially.

According to the Act, the husband is liable to provide for the maintenance of his wife during the subsistence of their marriage. In case of separation or divorce, the husband is also required to provide maintenance to his wife if she is unable to support herself. The maintenance amount can be decided by the court based on the financial capacity of the husband and the needs of the wife.

The Act recognizes that women have a right to live with dignity and that their financial dependence on their husbands should not be a hindrance to their right to a dignified life. Therefore, the Act provides for the right to maintenance as a means of ensuring that women are able to live with dignity and without financial hardship.

It's important to note that the right to maintenance is not limited to women who are married under Hindu law. Other laws, such as the Indian Divorce Act, 1869, and the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, also provide for the right to maintenance for women in India.


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