The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, provides for certain benefits to women in India

The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, provides for certain benefits to women in India who are pregnant or have recently given birth to a child. Under this Act, women are entitled to the following maternity benefits:

1-   Paid leave: Women are entitled to paid leave of up to 26 weeks for their first two children.

2-    For the third child and subsequent children, the leave entitlement is 12 weeks. Medical bonus: Women are entitled to a medical bonus of up to Rs. 3,500 for the purpose of medical expenses related to their pregnancy and childbirth.

3-    Nursing breaks: Women are entitled to nursing breaks of up to two hours per day, for a period of up to one year after the birth of the child.

4-    Work from home: Women are entitled to work from home, if feasible, on mutually agreed terms with the employer, after the expiry of their maternity leave.

5-    No dismissal: Women cannot be dismissed from their employment during the period of their maternity leave.

6-    The Maternity Benefit Act applies to all establishments that employ 10 or more persons and is applicable to women working in both the public and private sectors.

 The objective of this Act is to provide adequate and healthy conditions for the mother and the child during the maternity period and to promote the welfare of the mother and the child.


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