The National Commission for Women Act, 1990 is an Indian legislation

To file a protest petition in a criminal court, you can follow these steps:

Obtain a copy of the charge sheet: If you want to file a protest petition against the charge sheet filed by the police, you need to obtain a copy of the charge sheet from the court.

Prepare your protest petition: Your protest petition should clearly state the grounds on which you are protesting against the charge sheet. It should also provide facts and evidence to support your arguments.

File the protest petition: You need to file the protest petition in the same court where the charge sheet was filed. You should submit the original copy of the protest petition along with enough copies for all the parties involved in the case.

Pay the required fee: You may need to pay a fee to file the protest petition. The fee amount may vary depending on the court.

Serve a copy to the prosecution: You need to serve a copy of the protest petition to the prosecution, i.e., the lawyer representing the state or the complainant.

Attend the hearing: After filing the protest petition, you need to attend the hearing on the date assigned by the court. During the hearing, you can argue your case and present evidence to support your protest petition.

Note: It's recommended that you consult with a lawyer who specializes in criminal law to guide you through the process of filing a protest petition in India


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